Joint Network Analysis & Targeting (JNAT) courses are specialized training programs designed to equip military and intelligence professionals with the skills needed to analyze and target adversary networks.

These courses focus on the integration of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) to identify and disrupt enemy communications and operations, emphasizing both technical proficiency and strategic application.


Joint Network Analysis and Targeting (JNAT Course)
Joint Network Analysis & Targeting (JNAT) is a 10-Day course with 2-4 Operational Planning Teams (OPTs). The JNAT OPT teaches students the fundamentals of operational design and planning using the JNAT processes and tools and applying them to existing planning processes such a MCPP, JOPS, MDMP and other planning process. This course teaches intel fusion, operations intelligence integration and joint interoperability designed to produce a unit JNAT OPT. The course increases the time for students to develop individual training materials for each JNAT module and work with the JNAT cadre on methods for training Joint Concepts-Human Aspects of Military Operations (JC-HAMO) and Network Engagement techniques at their units or organizations. Students are evaluated for the products they produce during the course and the quality of their teach backs conducted. Classes are typically 10-14 students with the class being broken into Operational Planning Teams (OPTs) and characterized by hands-on scenario driven training, with product production and teach backs, to invigorate critical thinking skills, develop briefing and teaching capabilities and enhance planners' abilities to conduct practical application of JNAT Process at their parent units or agencies.
  • Course Length: 10 Days
  • Minimum Participants: 10
  • Maximum Participants: 28


Course Host / Location Per Student
JNAT (Jan 6-17) RITC-W, Camp Pendleton, CA $3300 (10*)
JNAT (Jan 27-Feb 7) FRG, Pope AFB, NC $3300 (10*)
JNAT (Feb 24-Mar7) RITC-E, Camp Lejeune, NC $3300 (10*)
JNAT (Mar 24- Apr 4) RITC-E, Camp Lejeune, NC $3300 (10*)
JNAT (Apr 7-18) Warner Robins AFB, GA $3300 (10*)
JNAT (Apr 28-May 9) FRG, Pope AFB, NC $3300 (10*)
JNAT (May 12-23) Camp Schwab, Okinawa $3300 (10*)
JNAT (Jun 2-13) Camp Pendleton, CA $3300 (10*)
JNAT (Jul 14-25) RITC-E Camp Lejeune, NC $3300 (10*)
JNAT (Aug 11-22) FRG, Pope AFB, NC $3300 (10*)
JNAT (Sep 8-19) Camp Pendleton, CA $3300 (10*)
*The minimum class size for the Joint Network Analysis & Targeting (JNAT) course is 10-Day, 10 student standard training course open to all. Students from across DoD, and other government agencies and contractors will be formed into joint Operational Planning Teams (OPTs) of between 5 and 7 students each, with varied MOSs, services and agencies representation in each OPT. If a course does not have the minimum of 10 students registered 30 days prior to the course convene date, that course may be canceled. Maximum number of students per course is 28. The Point of Contact for questions, registration and payment is:
James Farrelly
Joint Programs Manager
Obsidian solutions Group, LLC
(910) 340-1143

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