• Force Training


    Our seasoned experts support the DoD and Intelligence Community in preparing to face the adversaries of the future. We analyze opposing force, blue force, and other environmental parameters  across all spectrums and levels of conflict.


    In support of the Department of Defense in Service Level Training Events (SLTE), our experts assess the Force-On-Force, Battle Staff Training, and emerging technologies to ensure tomorrow's battle-ready posture.


    Our Mission Enabling is the art and next-generation science of gathering and interpreting raw data from the field to provide  streamlined decision models that yield more reliable outcomes using analytics and knowledge mapping techniques. 

When every mission is mission critical. Obsidian Solutions Group provides expert, nimble support to the United States Military and the Intelligence Community. Our team of highly seasoned experts provide training, equipping, and advisory services to counter the threats of tomorrow – today.

    • Future Adversary/OPFOR Modeling 
      • Analyzing the nation's future threats and constructing  models used to simulate exercise environments. 

    • Doctrine and Training Validation
      • Our SMEs consistently provide analysis of current processes, doctrine, and training to our clients.

    • Cyberspace Information Environment 
      • Our experts in cyberspace and information domain capabilities conduct threat analysis to assess training programs and service level processes during large-scale training events.

    • Network Engagement 
      • Our team of Network Engagement experts conduct Train-The-Trainer (T3) courses across all locations and all units in the United States Marine Corps.

    • Battle Staff Training 
      • We rigorously apply current command and control methods and processes in a training evolution for slated training units.

    • Force On Force Expert Cadre Support
      • OSG provides senior experts to observe fully trained regiment and battalion staffs in large scale, free play exercises designed to simulate future adversary threats.

    • Modeling and Simulations
      • Our M&S team develops comprehensive simulated threat environments with adversaries, civilians, and terrain, coupled with military higher, adjacent, and supporting casts for the training audiences.

      • 2D and 3D virtual and tabletop modeling.
    • ISR Support and Training
      • As ISR actions expand exponentially, our team is on the cutting edge to support to the USMC capabilities and training requirements.

    • Formal Learning Center Support 
      • OSG provides the foundation of Adult Learning for Instructor Development aboard MCTOG’s Formal Learning Center.

    • Enterprise IT Support
      • OSG spearheads the modernization of legacy IT environments  to transform digital ecosystems.

    • Data Analytics 
      • Obsidian Solutions harnesses computing and algorithms to drive decision processes that deliver efficient, favorable solutions.

    • Artificial Intelligence 
      • OSG leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies to accelerate mission productivity and effectiveness.

    • Knowledge Management 
      • We map decision models and data streams with the goal of feeding decision cycles with only the imminently required data.